social commerce model

Social Commerce 101: Learn From a Social Commerce Model

Are you looking for a social commerce model? Of course, we want to have our guide to venturing into the social commerce field. And yes, having the right social commerce model can come a long way.

So, we’ll discuss the things we can get out of each company listed below. Let’s start!

Social Proof Power

Even though today’s buyers aren’t afraid to spend, firms should do everything they can to earn their followers’ trust.

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Any brand can benefit from social proof as a marketing tactic. In a crowded eCommerce industry, using other people’s positive feedback is a solid approach. Yes, to both communicate trust and distinguish oneself out from the pack.

Dollar Shave Club, for example, has a board on Pinterest dedicated to positive consumer feedback and unboxing images. This clever mix of social evidence and UGC is a double-whammy of outstanding social commerce in action.

Create an Experience

The same laws apply to eCommerce as they do in-store. Customers aim for a unique buying experience and recommendations.

Given that recommendations account for 31% of all eCommerce transactions, tailoring the buying experience for your clients is always a benefit.

The “Fragrance IQ” quiz from Sephora is a great example of targeted social commerce. The quiz consists of a short series of questions. Yes, to determine the best fragrances or colognes for the person taking it.

Based on the findings, products are recommended at the end of the quiz. As you know, quizzes are more than a fun way to keep visitors on your site. Quizzes deliver a tailored experience similar to that of a brick-and-mortar shop.

Lookbooks for Fans

Fans on social media almost urge firms to engage with them. Accepting user-generated photographs is a no-brainer for fashion firms in particular. 50% of customers asking for brands to tell them what kind of material to make.

Lookbooks and shoppable Instagram feeds are the ideal combinations. To curate user-generated content and converting it into sales.

SINGULARU has taken these social commerce methods to provide direction to followers. At the same time, add a personal touch to an eCommerce storefront.

Take Advantage of Bold Imagery

According to Shopify’s report, Facebook represents a potential cash cow for eCommerce businesses.

It’s no secret that Facebook and social commerce go hand in hand. As you know, Facebook drives the most traffic to Shopify. It boasts a 1.85 percent average conversion rate.

In today’s crowd, marketers must employ bright, eye-catching imagery. Thus, forcing their followers to stop and look. As a social commerce model, that’s what ASOS did!

Moreover, Facebook posts with images earn more than twice as much interaction as posts without photographs. So, it’s no surprise that using imagery to sell on social media is a requirement.

Give Fans the Chance to Share

The concept of a conversation is emphasized once again in social commerce.

So, consider this: what opportunities do you provide for customers to spread the news about your products?

Customers can share their purchases and show off their shopping carts by integrating social media into your eCommerce site. Simple social buttons, such as those employed by Fab, can assist convert buyers while also increasing your brand’s visibility on social media.

Having one of these can make your business grow tremendously, of course, if done properly.

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