shopify website builder

Tips in Using the Shopify Website Builder

Learn how to use the Shopify website builder below.

What is the Shopify Website Builder?

Shopify website builder is an onboarding platform for people who want to build a store and sell products online. It comes with a drag and drops feature, which allows you to easily create your website or blog.

This is so you can set up your store without any coding knowledge.

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Plus, it has tons of templates where you can see how other stores are designed. This makes it easier for you to come up with your theme without having to hire a designer.

Each theme that Shopify has can be customized by changing the colors, fonts, layout, etc.

How Do I Use the Shopify Website Builder?

  • When you’re prompted to create an account on the Shopify platform, choose ‘Start your free 2-week trial’.
  • After this, click on ‘Get Started’ under the ‘Build Your Store’ section. This will bring you to the website builder. Click on ‘Launch store’ to begin creating your store.
  • After this, you will see a page with sections where you can add sections like Homepage Layouts, Blogs, Product Pages, Collections, and more. 
  • Click on these sections to begin creating your store. If you want to start with Blogs or Product Pages, then click on them respectively. 
  • To start creating your Blog page, click on the section labeled Blogs. If you want to start creating a product page, click on Product Pages under Products & Collections. This will bring you to a page where you can customize your product page using their pre-made templates. 

The Shopify builder also has pre-made templates for other things like contact pages or about pages. You can customize these or create your template by clicking on Templates again under Products & Collections.  

Once you have picked out all these templates, click Save Changes at the bottom of your screen. 

From here just continue building your store by customizing all the elements in each template step-by-step until it’s complete. If you run into any problems or need help along the way, just chat with their support team.

Benefits of Using Shopify Website Builder

Easy to set-up

The Shopify website builder makes it easy for you to set up your store with their drag and drop feature. This allows you to customize your store without any coding knowledge.

Drag and Drop Interface

It has a drag and drop interface, which allows you to customize your store using their pre-made templates. You can choose from different templates each with a different design and color scheme.

Free Hosting

Shopify also gives you free hosting for your online store. So you don’t have to worry about where to host your website or blog. They’ll take care of it for you.

Better Control Over Your Website or Blog

Instead of using a third-party platform like WordPress or Tumblr, Shopify gives the control over your store. You can customize each part of your store the way you want it to look.

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