importance of search in e-commerce

The Importance Of Search In E-Commerce

What’s the importance of search in e-commerce sites? Well, you may probably ask, “what is good in a bunch of information when you cannot find the results relevant for you?” So, does that make sense? It is.

So in this post, we will discuss the importance of search functionality in e-commerce sites.

What Is The Importance Of Search In E-Commerce?

First of all, shoppers love to browse, explore, and buy products at their convenience. So obviously, if your site is difficult to navigate, then you might lose potential customers.

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Consider also this fact. There are 3 broad categories of e-commerce. These are B2B e-commerce, B2C e-commerce, and B2G e-commerce. And both these categories share one design-specific feature. And it is the search bar. And according to a tweet from an e-commerce web, about 60 percent of items bought are searched online.

So this just shows the importance of building a search feature on your e-commerce site.

What Makes A Great Search Feature?

The Magnifying Glass Symbol

Putting this symbol can help users to see that they can use that for searching using keywords. Also, they will immediately identify it as a search field.

Keyword Linking

If you don’t know the exact name of the product you’re looking for, then you may type related words into the search bar. Your website’s keyword game should be so strong. So that it can display all associated products in a drop-down list. Which also bases on what words you are typing into the search bar.

The Correct-Spelling Feedback

You have to make your search bar so responsive. So it may be able to identify what product a customer is looking for. This may also work even if they type misspelled keywords.


A website that can suggest a product based on a few alphabets is a plus point for users.

Sample Text In Search Bar

It’s good when you enter sample words in your search bar in a way that may show your users how they can get quick results. Make a setting also that the sample keywords will disappear when they start to type their keywords.

A Search Bar That Has Visibility And Clarity

Do not put up too much information on your website. Also, make sure that the search bar is visible. Additionally, ensure also that it appears on every page of your site. Moreover, your search bar must also stand out concerning the background color.

The Submit Button

This button must look different from the rest of the clickable links. However, it should be in line with the design of the rest of the website.

The Filters

Normally, filters help to narrow down the searches. So, help your users look for specific items by letting them use a filter. For instance, they apply a filter like color, price, brands, sizes, etc.

The Length Of Text Field

We all feel annoyed when text fields hide words. This makes us navigate left and right just to keep track of the words we typed in. So, don’t make a search bar like that.

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