ecommerce site search solutions

eCommerce Site Search Solutions That Drive Sales

Have you ever thought of eCommerce site search solutions that can help you drive sales? If so, what are these solutions? Well, users enjoy searches. But, it’s not uncommon for them to receive poor results. And most likely, 72 percent of eCommerce site search engines fail user expectations.

Why Does It Matter?

Average buyers usually abandon a site after having two or more unsuccessful searches. And most of them can get frustrated when the search bar brings no relevant results.

Additionally, remember that it’s something that may cost you. If customers can’t find it, then they would not be able to buy it.

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Moreover, it can damage your brand. As well as encourage them to switch to another site. So, what can you do? Start improving your eCommerce site search and apply solutions.

So here, we compiled some eCommerce site search solutions that will help you drive sales.

eCommerce Site Search Solutions That Drive Sales

Using An Intelligent Autocomplete

Google uses this function. When you type on the Google search bar, you’ll notice that it’ll start suggesting related terms.

Yes, it’s called Intelligent Autocomplete. The search engine identifies a search pattern with the help of machine learning.

Your eCommerce site can do the same too. Using intelligent autocomplete, your site can suggest the products or categories which relate to the user’s search terms. Moreover, intelligent autocomplete also provides error tolerance.

Utilizing Natural Language Processing

One reason why site searches don’t show search results is that the terms we type often align with our natural speech. Additionally, dialect differences may also influence the terms we use.

And this is where natural language processing can help. Thus, when you search, you’ll be able to find what you’re searching for. Even though you use a different term.

Allowing User’s To Narrow Down Search Results With Filters

If your eCommerce site stores thousands of products, then intelligent autocomplete and NLP may not be enough. And you may need a way to further narrow down your results.

Filters can make this possible. So, in that way, site users will not have to wade through a ton of results.

Integrating your site search with a filter may increase their chances of finding a product that interests them. The likelihood of making a purchase may also increase.

Offering A Smart Breadcrumbs

The first 3 solutions were already helpful for driving sales. However, there may still be instances that user’s results don’t align with their expectations. So, how will they navigate back to a recent page?

Well, that is where breadcrumbs can be of help. Breadcrumbs are useful for easy back-tracking. In short, breadcrumbs allow users to see how they arrived on a certain web page.

Providing Personalized Product Recommendation

Search is not always the answer especially in providing customers with the results they’re looking for.

You can use consumer insights to provide personalized product recommendations to users. Before they even hit the search bar.


Applying the site search solutions mentioned above will certainly help drive more sales on your eCommerce site. Besides, doing so will greatly benefit your target audience and their needs.

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