Social Commerce in Vietnam

Social Commerce in Vietnam Enjoys Love: Why?

Social commerce in Vietnam is enjoying a lot of love from locals. That is why it is still number two next to e-commerce for online shopping. In fact, 43% of Vietnamese use social media sites for online shopping. Their favorite items to buy? Fashion, beauty products, and gadgets.

But why is Vietnam loving social commerce so much? There are many reasons for that. Keep on reading to know four of those reasons.

Social Commerce in Vietnam Enjoys Love: Why?

One-App Experience

The first reason for the love is that social commerce offers a one-app experience. Vietnamese like the idea that they can do everything in one app.

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When it comes to shopping, they can do all. Users can find, study, and buy a product in one app. So, no need to go to another app to complete the buying experience. This is very effective on social media. Why?

Social media users are already spending a lot of time on social sites. As a result, there is a higher chance to see captivating products while scrolling.

Instant Support

Vietnamese users can get the support they need on social media sites instantly. They only need to chat with the brand or comment on one of its posts. Then, the brand can reply to them after a few minutes, or seconds even. These are crucial especially for fashion and beauty products where more details are needed.

What is the key player for this? Chatbots. Users enjoy the fact that these chatbots can answer their questions any time of the day. Facebook Messenger is one of the top platforms to employ these.

Direct Communication

Social commerce offers direct communication to the brands. This is another reason why Vietnam enjoys social commerce. Why? Because they prefer getting help via chat. If they have inquiries, they want to chat instead of looking for answers themselves.

Chatting for answers is the humanized part of the buying experience. This makes users feel that brads are real. Or that the brand really wants to help them. So, they do not see chatting as a hassle. In fact, they prefer it, especially for more complex queries.

Product Variety

When people go to an e-commerce site, most of the time they already know what to buy. Or they are there to compare prices. But that is not the case for social media sites. Why?

Social media users are in-app to socialize. Thus, they may see a product while scrolling. This lets them see various products they might enjoy. So, this is great for impulse buying. For example, users may see a sale on their favorite brands. True, they may not have planned to buy at first. But it can entice them to buy right then and there.

Social Commerce in Vietnam: Get Into It

Are you in a position to get into social commerce in Vietnam? If you are, then you should get into the market. As you can see, the country loves social commerce. So, with the right plan in tow, success is not that hard to achieve.

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