how to do seo for ecommerce website

How to Do SEO for Ecommerce Website

If you’re wondering how to do SEO for eCommerce website, here’s a disclaimer: it will give you a lot of headaches because of the size of such websites. However, SEO is also key if you want your website to have a lot of visitors and conversions. 

This article is for people planning on creating an e-commerce website or who are in the process of optimizing their current website but don’t know where to start. Read on to learn how to do SEO for eCommerce website. 

Website Structure

There are many businesses that keep on uploading new products until their website structure gets unorganized. 

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The main principle in website structure is users must access your most important pages in just one or two clicks. Moreover, your product categories must be accessible with just one click from your homepage. Your sub-categories and product pages must follow suit after that. 

In other words: homepage > category > product

This helps engine crawlers understand the hierarchy of your website’s pages. Moreover, it will be easier for users to navigate around your website. Such a website structure also ensures that link juice spreads throughout your website. 

Build your Keyword List

Another great strategy on how to do SEO for eCommerce website is to divide your keywords list into these types:

  • Informational keywords – these are what users look for news, facts, tips, and other information. Informational keywords are usually long-tail keywords that ask questions like “how” or “what”. Searching for such keywords will typically give you articles or blog posts. 
  • Commercial keywords – these are queries where users are browsing their purchasing options but there is no intent to buy yet. Such keywords often include terms such as “affordable” or “best”. This is the stage where users are researching first before making a  purchase.
  • Transactional keywords – users search for these with the intention of purchasing. Transactional keywords include general product categories and product names. When users search for such keywords, they will see product or category pages in the results.

You should diversify your keywords list as each type of keyword presents different opportunities, and you should not waste each opportunity. 

Write Compelling Content

Indeed, selling products is the main focus of an e-commerce website. However, content is still crucial and needed to boost your rankings. 

Your blog posts should target informational or commercial keywords to bring in traffic to your website. Moreover, you may use call-to-action to drive people to buy from your website. 

Internal linking is also a crucial part of every blog post. These links will keep users on your website much longer to get a higher chance of converting them. You may direct these links to other blog posts or to the product pages. 

Make your Shop Mobile-Friendly

Many people shop from their mobile phones. Hence, if your website does not adjust well on mobile, you’re losing an opportunity.

Optimize Images

E-commerce websites have lots of images, sometimes multiple images per product. Your website’s loading speed could decrease heavily if you don’t optimize images. 

Always try to compress your images to reduce their file size without decreasing their quality. You’ll find a lot of tools to automate this process for you. Moreover, place keywords on your product images to help them appear in Google Images. 

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