Benefits of Social Commerce

Benefits of Social Commerce: An Overview

There are many benefits of social commerce, both to businesses and customers. But in this article, we will talk about the seller’s side.

If you are a seller, keep on reading to know more.

Benefits of Social Commerce

Removes Friction

Social commerce is very easy to use. It aims to let shoppers buy with ease, from discovery down to checkout. So, it removes the friction in their shopping experience.

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Further, it lessens the chance of carts getting abandoned. This is because shoppers only need to do a few taps to complete their purchase. So, there is less space to change their minds. This always happens to e-commerce due to the number of steps they need to do.

A Social Experience

Shopping on social media is fun and engaging. People nowadays miss shopping in the mall with friends due to COVID-19. But social commerce can bring this social experience in.

For one, it lets shoppers chat with brands. Aside from that, they can also ask their peers what they think about an item. They can do that by tagging their friends or sharing the product on their feeds. Thus, making their shopping more fun.

Brings More Money

Yes, it brings more money. It is always a good idea if you bring your products to where your customers are already at. If they see you on their social media accounts, they are more likely to buy from you.

Further, more and more customers now use their social media accounts to look for products. In fact, about 83% of them do that on Facebook and Instagram. So, give them what they are looking for.

Targets Buyer Persona

Do you find it hard to target your buyer persona with just your e-commerce site? Then, it is time to get into social commerce. Why?

Social media sites let you adjust and target your advertising. This is effective because it has millions of customer data available. So, you can choose to target them based on their age, gender, likes, location, and more. Targeting your buyer persona can help you save money on ads and gain more sales.

Customer Feedback

Social commerce is a great place to collect customer feedback. If you have your products posted on your social channels, your customers can tell you what they do and don’t like.

So, this can give you clear data on who your customers are. Also, it can help you know what they like. In this way, you can adjust your strategy to give that to them. You can also get their opinion with the use of polls, surveys, Stories, and more. This will let them feel that you value their opinion and will help you better know what is on their minds.

Reap the Benefits of Social Commerce

All these benefits of social commerce are really hard to get by. So, if you want to keep your brand relevant, you should get into it now. Not maybe, not soon, but now. Then, go and reap the benefits of social commerce.

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