social commerce benefits to businesses

Social Commerce Benefits to Businesses

Many people wonder if social commerce works for their businesses. Here is the truth: there are tons of social commerce benefits to businesses.

In simple words, social commerce brings eCommerce functionality directly into social media platforms. When done right, every business will benefit from social commerce – especially small businesses. If you run a business but still don’t incorporate social commerce, you might be missing out. This article lists down some of the social commerce benefits to businesses. 

Consistency in audience growth 

Millions of users join social media sites worldwide, and millions are active on it. For instance, Statista reveals that Facebook has almost 3 billion active users and many new users sign up every hour. 

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Yet, the most important thing you must consider is how to reach and sell to your target audience. Companies that effectively use social commerce enjoy a consistent increase in follower count. 

Ease in sharing 

Sharing anything on social media has never been easier. Satisfied customers will likely share your business with their friend circle. You will benefit from this easy sharing of information by incorporating social commerce. 

More authentic engagement and traffic

One of the biggest social commerce benefits to businesses is businesses can get engagement and reach whenever they share content. However, you must regularly upload relevant and engaging content to increase brand awareness. 

Furthermore, you must always keep your lines open. That is because people who can regularly reach out to a company are more likely to recommend that company. 

Social commerce greatly improves the two-way communication between businesses and customers. After all, social media platforms are primarily designed for communication. Thus, these platforms are efficient customer service channels.

Improves your SEO performance 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is undeniably a crucial part of digital marketing. SEO is the practice of enhancing the visibility of your website so more people will visit it. Social commerce has been proven to actually increase traffic to your website. This will eventually influence your ranking on search engine results. 

Improve your SEO performance by sharing links to content on your website through social media. This will result in higher engagement levels and a larger audience. 

Customer loyalty and retention 

The main purpose of social commerce is to sell and make your products/services known to many people. However, social commerce also enables brands to build good relationships with people. Use this opportunity to build and maintain relationships that deepen trust and loyalty. 

This strategy is two-fold. First, potential customers will gain more trust in you and buy your products. Second, it will make your existing customers more happy and satisfied, and they are more likely to buy again from you. 

Hence, you must ensure that first-time buyers will receive the quality of service you give to repeat purchasers – they are incredibly and equally important!

Business metrics 

Of course, you need to analyze your efforts to see what works and what does not. Starting an immeasurable campaign is a waste of any tangible effort. Social commerce makes it easy to measure and evaluate performance. For instance, Instagram and Facebook have a built-in analytics tool to help you determine a positive ROI. 

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